Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Architectural Internship Work

The following are representations of my tasks during two summers working for an architecture firm in Brooklyn NY.

These renderings and plans show a single family brownstone in Brooklyn Heights that our firm completely gutted and redesigned.

The following images are of a wooden and metal table that I had the privilege of designing. After presenting the client with a number of designs, this one was chosen. I was even able to help in the material selection process.

These next images are of another brownstone that is still in the design process. It is again another single family home that will be completely gutted and redesigned.

Next was a project I worked briefly on towards the end of my internship. Our client, owner of a thriving clothing company in NYC employed us to redesign a Co-op as well as his company's store front and office area. 
Inside the Co-op

Kitchen of the Co-op

Custom bunk bed for the children's room

Designer's Workspace for Clothing Company

Designer's Workspace

Designer's Workspace

Store Front Showroom

Store Front Showroom

Store Front Showroom

Friday, 12 August 2011

The Lewistown Ale House

This project began a group project to redesign an old industrial site in Lewistown, PA. Once the area was reconfigured each team member zoomed into their own building to rehabilitate. My building became a conference center and restaurant with large micro brewery tanks to tie the two spaces together. The inclusion of this brewery was to give this prideful town an industry that would bring the community together as well as put them on the map.


At the start of every semester we are required to complete competitions. The first board is a competition for a local home in Pennsylvania that had to incorporate at least four pieces of artwork from the Barnes Foundation. The second board is the Stewardson Competition that I competed in on the school level for fourth years, and was awarded honorable mention. The design was a soup kitchen that also incorporated a farmer's market in central city Pennsylvania.

More Roman fun!

Another class I took while in Rome was cartography. The products of this class were called route maps, my interpretations of the walking tours we took through the city.

Architecture Analysis of Rome

In a separate class while in Rome,  I had to relate my studio design project to an analytical drawing of my favorite structures in Italy. The inhabitable boundaries idea from my studio design project was brought into this drawing by choosing structures that would be classified as inhabitable boundaries and then tying them together with the boundaries, or Aurelian walls, of Rome.

Designing in Rome

Our first task upon arrival to our new Roman studio was to enter in a French design competition. The assigned site was in a neighborhood only several yards away from the iconic Colosseum. It was a triangular site that was to be designed in two phases. The first phase, the competition, was to make the space and inhabitable outdoor piazza that would bring the community together while still leaving space for the addition of indoor commercial space topped with residential homes.

Relocating the Barnes Foundation

This was an actual project that is being carried out in Philadelphia, PA. The task was to move the existing Barnes Foundation, that currently sits right outside of the city center, and move it to the boulevard that directly runs to the Philadelphia Museum of Art. The museum is home to a private collection of art and the display of this collection was the main focus when redesigning the space.